Bibliographie de la conférence pour la Fête de la Science 2018 à Annecy

Boite à outils mentale


Nolan N. Bett et al., « Evidence of Olfactory Imprinting at an Early Life Stage in Pink Salmon (Oncorhynchus Gorbuscha) », Scientific Reports 6, no 1 (décembre2016),


Nathan F. Putman et al.,« Evidence for Geomagnetic Imprinting as a Homing Mechanism in Pacific Salmon », Current Biology 23, no 4 (février 2013): 312‑16,

Casse-Noix d’Amérique

Hutchins HE, Lanner RM “The central role of Clark’s nutcracker in the dispersal and establishment of white bark pine”, Oecologia. 1982 Nov;55(2):192-201. doi:10.1007/BF00384487.

Russel P. Balda et Alan C. Kamil ; « Long-term spatial memory in clark’s nutcracker, Nucifraga Columbiana”, Animal behavior 44, Issue 4, p761-769 (octobre 1992),

Bednekoff PA et BaldaRP, “Clark’s nutcracker spatial memory : the importance of large, structural cues.”, Behav Processes. 2014 Feb;102:12-7. doi:10.1016/j.beproc.2013.12.004. Epub 2013 Dec 12.

Ayumu et les chiffres

Sana Inoue et Tetsuro Matsuzawa, « Working memory of numerals in chimpanzees”, Current Biology,Volume 17, Issue 23, Pr1004-R1005, Décembre 2007,


Wasserman, Edward & Kiedinger, R.E. & Bhatt, R.S.. (1988). Conceptual Behavior in Pigeons: Categories, Subcategories, and Pseudocategories. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes. 14. 235-246.10.1037/0097-7403.14.3.235.

Wasserman, Edward & I Brooks, Daniel & Mcmurray, Bob. (2014). Pigeons acquire multiple categories in parallel via associative learning: A parallel to human word learning?. Cognition. 136C. 99-122. 10.1016/j.cognition.2014.11.020.

Wasserman, Edward.(2015). Conceptualization in pigeons: The evolution of a paradigm. Behavioural Processes. 123. 10.1016/j.beproc.2015.09.010.

Pour les abeilles, un exemple, mais il y en a plein :

Benard, Julie &Stach, Silke & Giurfa, Martin. (2006). Categorization of visual stimuli in the honeybee Apis mellifera. Animal cognition. 9. 257-70.10.1007/s10071-006-0032-9.


Rugani, Rosa & Fontanari, Laura & Simoni, Eleonora & Regolin, Lucia & Vallortigara, Giorgio. (2009). Arithmetic in newborn chicks. Proceedings. Biological sciences /The Royal Society. 276. 2451-60. 10.1098/rspb.2009.0044.

Rugani, Rosa & Loconsole, Maria & Regolin, Lucia. (2017). A strategy to improve arithmetical performance in four day-old domestic chicks (Gallus gallus). Scientific Reports. 7. 10.1038/s41598-017-13677-6.

Alex le perroquet

Quantité d’études, il faudrait dix pages. Voir les travaux d’Irène Pepperberg

Quelques exemples :

Pepperberg, Irene.(2006). Ordinality and inferential abilities of a grey parrot (Psittacus erithacus). Journal of comparative psychology (Washington, D.C. : 1983). 120.205-16. 10.1037/0735-7036.120.3.205.

Pepperberg, Irene & Carey, Susan. (2012). Grey Parrot Number Acquisition: the Inference of Cardinal Value from Ordinal Position on the Numeral List. Cognition. 125.219-32. 10.1016/j.cognition.2012.07.003.

Pour les anecdotes, voir :

Pepperberg I. ,“Alex& Me : How a scientist and a parrot discovered a hidden world of animal intelligence – and formed a deep bond in the process”, Harper Perennial 2009


Pour les poissons électriques, idem, énormément de travaux.

Voir par exemple :

Philip K Stoddard, « Electric Signals & Electric Fish », s. d., 14.

Matthew E Arnegard et Bruce A Carlson,« Electric Organ Discharge Patterns during Group Hunting by a Mormyrid Fish », Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences272, no 1570 (7 juillet 2005): 1305‑14,

Bruce A. Carlson et Carl D. Hopkins, « Stereotyped Temporal Patterns in Electrical Communication », Animal Behaviour 68, no 4 (octobre 2004): 867‑78,

P. G.D Feulner et al., « Electrifying Love: Electric Fish Use Species-Specific Discharge for Mate Recognition », Biology Letters 5, no 2 (23 avril 2009): 225‑28,

K. D. Dunlap, M. Chung, et J. F.Castellano, « Influence of Long-Term Social Interaction on Chirping Behavior, Steroid Levels and Neurogenesis in Weakly Electric Fish », Journal of Experimental Biology 216, no 13 (1 juillet 2013): 2434‑41,

V. Fugere, H. Ortega, et R. Krahe,« Electrical Signalling of Dominance in a Wild Population of Electric Fish », Biology Letters 7, no 2 (23 avril 2011): 197‑200,

V. Fugere et R. Krahe, « Electric Signals and Species Recognition in the Wave-Type Gymnotiform Fish Apteronotus Leptorhynchus », Journal of Experimental Biology 213, no2 (15 janvier 2010): 225‑36,

Bernd Kramer et Susanne Hanika, « Intra-Male Variability of Its Communication Signal in the Weakly Electric Fish, Marcusenius Macrolepidotus (South African Form), and Possible Functions », Behaviour 142, no 2 (1 février 2005): 145‑66,

P. Machnik et B. Kramer, « Female Choice by Electric Pulse Duration: Attractiveness of the Males’ Communication Signal Assessed by Female Bulldog Fish, Marcusenius Pongolensis (Mormyridae, Teleostei) », Journal of Experimental Biology211, no 12 (15 juin 2008): 1969‑77,

Stephan Paintner et Bernd Kramer, « Electrosensory basis for individual recognition in a weakly electric, mormyrid fish, Pollimyrus adspersus (Gunther, 1866) », Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 55, no 2 (1 décembre 2003): 197‑208,

Philip K. Stoddard et Michael R. Markham, « Signal Cloaking by Electric Fish », BioScience 58, no 5 (1 mai 2008): 415‑25,


M Janik, Vincent.(2013). Cognitive skills in bottlenose dolphin communication. Trends in cognitive sciences. 17. 10.1016/j.tics.2013.02.005.

Herman, Louis & G.Richards, Douglas & P. Wolz, James. (1984). Comprehension of Sentences of Bottlenosed Dolphins. Cognition. 16. 129-219. 10.1016/0010-0277(84)90003-9.

Herman, Louis. (1986).Cognition and language competencies of bottlenosed dolphins. 221-225.

Touis à lunettes

Wanker, Ralf & Sugama, Yasuko & Prinage, Sabine. (2005). Vocal labelling of family members in spectacled parrotlets, Forpus conspicillatus. Animal Behaviour. 70. 111-118.10.1016/j.anbehav.2004.09.022.

Chiens de prairie de Gunnison 

Slobodchikoff, C & Kiriazis, J & Fischer, C & Creef,E. (1991). Semantic information distinguishing individual predators in the alarm calls of Gunnison’s prairie dogs. Animal Behaviour. 42. 713-719. 10.1016/S0003-3472(05)80117-4.

H. Ackers, Steven& Slobodchikoff, C. (2001). Communication of Stimulus Size and Shape in Alarm Calls of Gunnison’s Prairie Dogs, Cynomys gunnisoni. Ethology. 105. 149 -162. 10.1046/j.1439-0310.1999.00381.x.

Slobodchikoff, C &Placer, J. (2006). Acoustic structures in the alarm calls of Gunnison’s prairie dogs. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 119. 3153-60.10.1121/1.2185489.

Frederiksen, J.K. & Slobodchikoff, C. (2007). Referential specificity in the alarm calls of the black-tailed prairie dog. Ethology Ecology & Evolution – ETHOL ECOLEVOL. 19. 10.1080/08927014.2007.9522569.

Utilisation des outils


Goodman, Matthew & Hayward, Thomas & R. Hunt, Gavin. (2018). Habitual tool use innovated by free-living New Zealand kea. Scientific Reports. 8. 10.1038/s41598-018-32363-9.


Auersperg, Alice & Borasinski, Stefan & Laumer, Isabelle & Kacelnik, Alex. (2016). Goffin’s cockatoos make the same tool type from different materials. Biology letters. 12. 10.1098/rsbl.2016.0689.


Brown, Culum. (2012). Tool use in fishes. Fish and Fisheries. 13. 10.1111/j.1467-2979.2011.00451.x.


Plein de travaux. Pour les plus aventureux et aventureuses (et riches, bien qu’il ait considérablement baissé depuis que je l’ai acheté. Jmesens un peu arnaqué d’ailleurs), Cephalopod Cognition de Darmaillacq et al,chez Cambridge University Press


Elek, Maák & Lőrinczi, Gábor & Le Quinquis, Pauline & Módra, Gábor & Bovet, Dalila & Call, Josep & D’Ettorre, Patrizia. (2017). Tool selection during foraging in two species of funnel ants. Animal Behaviour. 123. 207-216. 10.1016/j.anbehav.2016.11.005.


Alem, Sylvain & JPerry, Clint & Zhu, Xingfu & Loukola, Olli & Ingraham, Thomas & Søvik, Eirik & Chittka, Lars. (2016). Associative Mechanisms Allow for Social Learning and Cultural Transmission of String Pulling in an Insect. PLoS Biology. 14. 10.1371/journal.pbio.1002564.


Macaques du Japon

Hirata, Satoshi & Watanabe, Kunio & Kawai, M. (2001). ‘Sweet-Potato Washing’ Revisited. 487-508. 10.1007/978-4-431-09423-4_24.


Sommer, Volker &Lowe, Adriana & Dietrich, Tanja. (2015). Not eating like a pig: European wild boar wash their food. Animal cognition. 19.10.1007/s10071-015-0903-z.

Chimpanzés et la brindille dans l’oreille

Van Leeuwen, Edwin J. C. & Cronin, Katherine & Haun,Daniel. (2014). A group-specific arbitrary tradition in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). Animal cognition. 17.10.1007/s10071-014-0766-8.


Thornton, Alex & Mcauliffe, Katherine. (2006). Teaching in Wild Meerkats. Science(New York, N.Y.). 313. 227-9. 10.1126/science.1128727.

Singes capucins et iniquité

Brosnan, Sarah & B M De Waal, Frans. (2003). Monkeys reject unequal pay. Nature. 425. 297-9. 10.1038/nature01963.


Oberliessen, Lina & Hernandez Lallement, Julen & Sch, Sandra & Wingerden, Marijn & Seinstra, Maayke & Kalenscher, Tobias. (2016). Inequity aversion in rats, Rattus norvegicus. Animal Behaviour. 115. 157-166.10.1016/j.anbehav.2016.03.007.

Kalenscher, Tobias. (2015). Rats prefer mutual rewards in a prosocial choice task. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 8.

Bartal, Inbal &Decety, Jean & Mason, Peggy. (2011). Empathy and Pro-Social Behavior in Rats. Science (New York, N.Y.). 334. 1427-30. 10.1126/science.1210789.

Sato, N., Tan, L., Tate, al. Rats demonstrate helping behavior toward a soaked conspecific AnimCogn (2015) 18: 1039.   (mais voir Schwartz, Lindsay &Silberberg, Alan & Casey, Anna & Kearns, David & Slotnick, Burton.(2016). Does a rat release a soaked conspecific due to empathy?. Animal cognition. 20. 10.1007/s10071-016-1052-8. )


Walker RH, King AJ, McNutt, JW, Jordan NR. 2017 Sneeze to leave : African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus) use variable quorum thresholds facilitated by sneezes in collective decisions. Proc. R. Soc. B 284: 20170347.

Macaques de Tonkean

(Petite erreur, je dis qu’ils s’assoient dans la direction, alors qu’ils font quelques pas dans la direction où ils veulent aller)

Sueur, Cédric & Deneubourg, Jean-Louis & Petit, Odile. (2010). Sequence of quorums during collective decision making in macaques. Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology. 64.10.1007/s00265-010-0999-8.

Celine Bret. Déterminants individuels de la position sociale et du rôle dans la cohésion de groupe chez trois espèces de Cercopithecinae. Biologie animale. Université de Strasbourg, 2014.

Et pour aller plus loin

King, Andrew & Sueur, Cédric. (2011). Where Next? Group Coordination and Collective Decision Making by Primates. International Journal of Primatology. 32. 1245-1267. 10.1007/s10764-011-9526-7.

Autres animaux

Prins, Herbert. H. T. (1996). Ecology and Behaviour of the African Buffalo, 
Social inequality and decision making. Ed. Chapman & Hall Wildlife Ecology and Behaviour Series

Ramseyer, Amandine & Boissy, Alain & Thierry, Bernard & Dumont, Bertrand. (2009). Individual and social determinants of spontaneous group movements in cattle and sheep. Animal.3. 1319-1326. 10.1017/S1751731109004790.

Della-Rossa, Lia & Chadoeuf, Joël & Boissy, Alain & Dumont, Bertrand. (2013). Leaders of spontaneous group movements influence whole-group social organization: An experimental study on grazing heifers. Behaviour. 150. 153-173.10.1163/1568539X-00003043.

Shaw, Ryan A., « Social Organization and Decision Making In North American Bison: Implications For Management » (2012). All

Graduate Theses and Dissertations. Paper 1204.


Plein de travaux (mais l’information et la photo viennent de la page Facebook de Frans de Waal, lien ici, entre autres :

Samuni, Liran & Preis, Anna & Mielke,Alexander & Deschner, T & Wittig, Roman & Crockford, Catherine.(2018). Social bonds facilitate cooperative resource sharing in wild chimpanzees. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 285.20181643. 10.1098/rspb.2018.1643.

B. M de Waal, Frans. (1997). The Chimpanzee’s service economy: Food for grooming. Evolution and Human Behavior – EVOL HUM BEHAV. 18.375-386. 10.1016/S1090-5138(97)00085-8.

Wittig, Roman. (2018). Conflict management in wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes)


Marshall-Pescini, Sarah & F. L. Schwarz, Jonas& Kostelnik, Inga & Virányi, Zsófia & Range, Friederike. (2017). Importance of a species’ socioecology: Wolves outperform dogs in a conspecific cooperation task. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 114.201709027. 10.1073/pnas.1709027114.

Hyènes tachetées

Holekamp, Kay & T Sakai, Sharleen & Lundrigan, Barbara. (2007). Social intelligence in the spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta). Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences. 362. 523-38.10.1098/rstb.2006.1993.


Redouan Bshary et al.,« Interspecific Communicative and Coordinated Hunting between Groupers and Giant Moray Eels in the Red Sea », PLoS Biology 4, no 12(2006): e431,

Alexander L. Vail, Andrea Manica, et Redouan Bshary, « Referential Gestures in Fish Collaborative Hunting », Nature Communications 4, no 1 (décembre 2013),

Vail, Alexander & Manica, Andrea & Bshary, Redouan. (2014). Fish choose appropriately when and with whom to collaborate. Current Biology. 24.R791-R793. 10.1016/j.cub.2014.07.033.

S. Helfman, Gene & Schultz, Eric. (1984). Social transmission of behavioral traditions in a coral reef fish. Animal Behaviour. 32. 379-384. 10.1016/S0003-3472(84)80272-9.

Fernö, Anders & Huse, Geir & Jakobsen, Per & Kristiansen, Tore. (2007). The Role of Fish Learning Skills in Fisheries and Aquaculture. 278 – 310. 10.1002/9780470996058.ch14.

Brown, Culum & Laland, Kevin. (2011). Social Learning in Fishes. 240-257.10.1002/9781444342536.ch11.

Bshary, Redouan & Gingins, Simon & Vail, Alexander. (2014). Social cognition in fishes. Trendsin cognitive sciences. 18. 10.1016/j.tics.2014.04.005.

Giancarlo De Luca, Patrizio Mariani, Brian R. MacKenzie, Matteo Marsili. Fishing out collective memory of migratory schools. J. R. Soc. Interface 2014 11 20140043; DOI:10.1098/rsif.2014.0043. Published 19 March 2014

Barnett, Lewis & A. Branch, Trevor & Anthony Ranasinghe, R & Essington, Timothy. (2017).Old-Growth Fishes Become Scarce under Fishing. Current Biology. 27. 10.1016/j.cub.2017.07.069.


Kohda M, Hotta T, Takeyama T, Awata S, Tanaka H, Asai J-y, et al. (2019) If a fish can pass the mark test, what are the implications for consciousness and self-awareness testing in animals? PLoS Biol 17(2): e3000021.

Broom, Donald & Sena, Hilana & L. Moynihan, Kiera. (2009). Pigs learn what a mirror image represents and use it to obtain information. Animal Behaviour. 78. 1037-1041.10.1016/j.anbehav.2009.07.027.


Pigeons (et poules sur l’une).

La métacognition chez les pigeons semble être partielle et les preuves restent du domaine du non conclusif pour le moment, avec des résultats très variables d’une étude à l’autre. Ce sont juste des indications, comme précisé dans la vidéo (il existe beaucoup plus d’études, j’en mets deux qui donnent des résultats pouvant indiquer une réponse positive, mais il en existe aussi plusieurs qui ne trouvent pas de comportement indiquant la présence de métacognition).

Nakamura, Noriyuki & Watanabe, Sota & Betsuyaku, Toru& Fujita, Kazuo. (2011). Do birds (pigeons and bantams) know how confident they are of their perceptual decisions?. Animal cognition. 14. 83-93. 10.1007/s10071-010-0345-6.

Iwasaki, Sumie & Watanabe, Sota & Fujita, Kazuo. (2012). Do pigeons (Columba livia) seek information when they have insufficient knowledge?. Animal cognition. 16.10.1007/s10071-012-0566-y.


Kirk, Chelsea &McMillan, Neil & A Roberts, William. (2014). Rats Respond for Information : Metacognition in a Rodent?. Journal of experimental psychology. Animal Learning and cognition. 40. 249-259. 10.1037/xan0000018.

L Templer, Victoria & A Lee, Keith & J Preston, Aidan. (2017). Rats know when they remember: transfer of metacognitive responding across odor-based delayed match-to-sample tests. Animal cognition. 20. 10.1007/s10071-017-1109-3.

Yuki, Shoko & Okanoya, Kazuo. (2017). Rats show adaptive choice in a metacognitive task with high uncertainty. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning and Cognition. 43. 109-118. 10.1037/xan0000130.


J Perry, Clint & Barron, Andrew. (2013). Honey bees selectively avoid difficult choices. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 110. 10.1073/pnas.1314571110.

Dunlap, Aimee & Nielsen, Matthew E. & Dornhaus, Anna & Papaj, Daniel. (2016). Foraging Bumble Bees Weigh the Reliability of Personal and Social Information. Current Biology. 26. 10.1016/j.cub.2016.03.009.

Théorie de l’esprit


Emery, Nathan & SClayton, N. (2001). Effects of Experience and Social Context on Prospective Caching Strategies by Scrub Jays. Nature. 414. 443-6. 10.1038/35106560.

M. Dally, Joanna & Emery, Nathan & Clayton, Nicola. (2010). Avian Theory of Mind and counter espionage by food-caching western scrub-jays (Aphelocoma californica). European Journal of Developmental Psychology – EUR J DEV PSYCHOL. 7. 17-37.10.1080/17405620802571711.

(mais voir van derVaart, Elske & Verbrugge, Rineke & Hemelrijk, Charlotte. (2012). Corvid Re-Caching without ‘Theory of Mind’: A Model. PloS one. 7. e32904.10.1371/journal.pone.0032904. )

Bugnyar, Thomas & Reber, Stephan & Buckner, Cameron. (2016). Ravens attribute visual access to unseen competitors. Nature Communications. 7. 10.1038/ncomms10506.


Held, Suzanne & Mendl, Michael & Devereux, Claire & Byrne, Richard. (2001). Behaviour of domestic pigs in a visula perspective taking task. Behaviour. 138. 1337-1354.10.1163/156853901317367627.

Held, Suzanne & Mendl, Michael & Devereux, Claire & Byrne, Richard. (2000). Social tactics of pigs in a competitive foraging task: The ‘informed forager’paradigm. Animal behaviour. 59. 569-576. 10.1006/anbe.1999.1322.

Held, Suzanne & Mendl, Michael & Devereux, Claire & Byrne, Richard. (2002). Foraging pigs alter their behaviour in response to exploitation. Animal Behaviour – ANIMBEHAV. 64. 157-165. 10.1006/anbe.2002.3044.


Loukola, Olli & J.Perry, Clint & Coscos, Louie & Chittka, Lars. (2017). Bumblebees show cognitive flexibility by improving on an observed complex behavior. Science.355. 833-836. 10.1126/science.aag2360.

Mémoire épisodique


S. Clayton, Nicola & Dickinson, Anthony. (1998). Episodic-Like Memory during Cache Recovery by Scrub Jays. Nature. 395. 272-4. 10.1038/26216.

P C Correia, Sergio & Dickinson, Anthony & Clayton, Nicola. (2007). Western Scrub-Jays Anticipate Future Needs Independently of Their Current Motivational State. Currentbiology : CB. 17. 856-61. 10.1016/j.cub.2007.03.063.

R Raby, C & MAlexis, D & Dickinson, A & S Clayton, N. (2007). Planning for the Future by Western Scrub-Jays. Nature. 445. 919-21. 10.1038/nature05575.


Dere, Ekrem &Dere, Dorothea & Angelica de Souza Silva, Maria & P. Huston, Joseph & Zlomuzica, Armin. (2017). Fellow Travellers: Working Memory and Mental Time Travel in Rodents. Behavioural Brain Research. 352.10.1016/j.bbr.2017.03.026.

Panoz-Brown, Danielle & Iyer, Vishakh & Carey, Larry & Sluka, Christina & Rajic,Gabriela & Kestenman, Jesse & Gentry, Meredith & Brotheridge, Sydney & Somekh, Isaac & Corbin, Hannah & G Tucker, Kjersten & Almeida, Bianca & Hex, Severine & D. Garcia, Krysten & G Hohmann, Andrea & D Crystal, Jonathon. (2018). Replay of Episodic Memories in theRat. Current Biology. 28. 10.1016/j.cub.2018.04.006.


Salwiczek, Lucie & Bshary, Redouan. (2011). Cleaner Wrasses Keep Track of the ‘When’ and ‘What’ in a Foraging Task1. Ethology. 117. 939 – 948. 10.1111/j.1439-0310.2011.01959.x.

Hamilton, Trevor & Myggland, Allison & Duperreault, Erika & May, Zacnicte & Gallup, Joshua & A. Powell, Russell & Schalomon, Melike & Digweed, Shannon.(2016). Episodic-like memory in zebrafish. Animal Cognition. 19.10.1007/s10071-016-1014-1.


Jozet-Alves, Christelle & Bertin, Marion & S Clayton, Nicola. (2013). Evidence of episodic-like memory in cuttlefish. Current biology : CB. 23. R1033-5.10.1016/j.cub.2013.10.021.

Abeilles (spas franchement de la mémoire épisodique, jsais pas pourquoi j’ai mis ça là mais jtrouve ce truc trop cool 😀 )

Gallo, Vincent & Chittka, Lars. (2018). Cognitive Aspects of Comb-Building in the Honeybee?. Frontiers in Psychology. 9. 900. 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00900.

Déclaration de Cambridge sur la Conscience

Perception de la mort

Comme je le dis, presque rien n’a été étudié, à part des témoignages et des vidéos, donc peu de choses à mettre.

Voir : et notamment le livre de Barbara J King « How animals grieve » 2013

Sinon, en vrac, et plus récents :

Swift, Kaeli & Marzluff,John. (2015). Wild American crows gather around their dead to learn about danger. Animal Behaviour. 109. 187-197. 10.1016/j.anbehav.2015.08.021.

Swift, Kaeli & Marzluff, John. (2018). Occurrence and variability of tactile interactions between wild American crows and dead conspecifics. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 373. 20170259.10.1098/rstb.2017.0259.

Reggente, Melissa & Alves, Filipe & Freitas, Luís & Cagnazzi, Daniele & Baird, Robin & Galli, Paolo. (2016). Nurturant behavior toward dead conspecifics in free-ranging mammals: New records for odontocetes and a general review.Journal of Mammalogy. 97. 10.1093/jmammal/gyw089.

Iglesias, Teresa & McElreath, R & Patricelli, Gail. (2012). Western scrub-jay funerals: Cacophonous aggregations in response to dead conspecifics. Animal Behaviour. 84. 1103-1111. 10.1016/j.anbehav.2012.08.007.

Van Leeuwen, Edwin J.C. & Cronin, Katherine & Haun, Daniel. (2017). Tool use for corpse cleaning in chimpanzees. Scientific Reports. 7. 44091.10.1038/srep44091.

De Kort, Dante & Altrichter, Mariana & Cortez, Sara &Camino, Micaela. (2017). Collared peccary (Pecari tajacu) behavioral reactions toward a dead member of the herd. Ethology.10.1111/eth.12709. (la video qui est diffusée)